Get Your Eyes Behind A Pair Of Military Grade Shooting Glasses That Look Good And Fit Even Better, Regardless Of Your Face Structure

Get Your Eyes Behind A Pair Of Military Grade Shooting Glasses That Look Good And Fit Even Better, Regardless Of Your Face Structure

Dear Avid Shooter,


Did you know that over 1,000,000 Americans every year end up suffering from a gun-related eye injury?


I’m going to assume that you’re a responsible gun owner and you know to always have eye protection on…


But can you agree with me that most of the shooting glasses on the market are either uncomfortable, cheap, or just look awful?


In fact, a lot of the solutions to keeping your eyes protected are so uncomfortable, that it’s easy to understand why someone may take them off while shooting.


In this letter, I’m going to show you why the glasses you currently are wearing while at the range, may be the exact reason you have to undergo expensive and excruciating eye surgery...


After all, can you really put a price on your eyesight?


It’s only right that you use the best solution on the market.


This is exactly what I was looking for several years ago…


After seeing my friend lose his eye on a hunting trip (I’ll tell you more about this later),I was a bit paranoid.


Because he was wearing your standard safety glasses, and they did him more harm than good.


I looked around for all of the best eye protection on the market.


I tried over 50+ pairs of shooting glasses, so believe me when I say I’ve worn just about every solution out there.


Now if I’m being honest, I’ve got kind of a fat head...


And it just seemed like a majority of them were not designed to fit me or my large noggin.


A majority of the pairs I was wearing would start to hurt the sides of my head if I wore them for too long


And a lot of glasses on the market that look really cool, won’t do much for protecting you in the unfortunate event that a round misfires next to your face.


Some glasses fit great, looked cool enough to wear outside the range, and had good protection, but they almost always were made of cheap material and could easily break


So for the longest time, I had to pick my poison and usually ended up with a pair that fit very poorly and were very uncomfortable to wear while aiming down sight.


So I decided, screw it, I’m going to make my own solution, no matter how long it takes.


At the time, my tactical brand Tactline was already making watches and radios, but I felt like eye protection would be a good addition to the brand.


This has been in the works for several years, and after thousands of prototypes and hundreds of hours of testing, we’ve finally come up with a solution that people like Michael in Oklahoma are calling…


“The last pair of shooting glasses I will ever own.”

-Michael D, Tulsa, OK


And John in Cincinnati who thinks…


“These glasses fit me so well, I’m honestly shocked. I have a very wide head, and to finally have find a solution that fits me and my needs (and my big head) is why I’m a raving fan. These things really are indestructible too.”

  • -John C, Cincinnati, OH


In fact, I was seeing so many amazing reviews like this, that I went ahead and got my design patented by the US Government.


Most people don’t believe me when I tell them that, I’ll be sure to show you some full blown proof to back up that claim here in a bit.


Anyway, It’s understandable that a gun owner may think that the glasses they currently own are good enough and will protect them if a crazy situation happens.


But that’s just not the case.


And I’d like to tell you a story to show you how wrong that belief really is.


The Hunting Trip Nightmare


Dear Avid Shooter,


Did you know that over 1,000,000 Americans every year end up suffering from a gun-related eye injury?


I’m going to assume that you’re a responsible gun owner and you know to always have eye protection on…


But can you agree with me that most of the shooting glasses on the market are either uncomfortable, cheap, or just look awful?


In fact, a lot of the solutions to keeping your eyes protected are so uncomfortable, that it’s easy to understand why someone may take them off while shooting.


In this letter, I’m going to show you why the glasses you currently are wearing while at the range, may be the exact reason you have to undergo expensive and excruciating eye surgery...


After all, can you really put a price on your eyesight?


It’s only right that you use the best solution on the market.


This is exactly what I was looking for several years ago…


After seeing my friend lose his eye on a hunting trip (I’ll tell you more about this later),I was a bit paranoid.


Because he was wearing your standard safety glasses, and they did him more harm than good.


I looked around for all of the best eye protection on the market.


I tried over 50+ pairs of shooting glasses, so believe me when I say I’ve worn just about every solution out there.


Now if I’m being honest, I’ve got kind of a fat head...


And it just seemed like a majority of them were not designed to fit me or my large noggin.


A majority of the pairs I was wearing would start to hurt the sides of my head if I wore them for too long


And a lot of glasses on the market that look really cool, won’t do much for protecting you in the unfortunate event that a round misfires next to your face.


Some glasses fit great, looked cool enough to wear outside the range, and had good protection, but they almost always were made of cheap material and could easily break


So for the longest time, I had to pick my poison and usually ended up with a pair that fit very poorly and were very uncomfortable to wear while aiming down sight.


So I decided, screw it, I’m going to make my own solution, no matter how long it takes.


At the time, my tactical brand Tactline was already making watches and radios, but I felt like eye protection would be a good addition to the brand.


This has been in the works for several years, and after thousands of prototypes and hundreds of hours of testing, we’ve finally come up with a solution that people like Michael in Oklahoma are calling…


“The last pair of shooting glasses I will ever own.”

-Michael D, Tulsa, OK


In fact, I was seeing so many amazing reviews like this, that I went ahead and got my design patented by the US Government.


Most people don’t believe me when I tell them that, I’ll be sure to show you some full blown proof to back up that claim here in a bit.


Anyway, It’s understandable that a gun owner may think that the glasses they currently own are good enough and will protect them if a crazy situation happens.


But that’s just not the case.


And I’d like to tell you a story to show you how wrong that belief really is.


The Hunting Trip Nightmare




My name is John Williams, and I’ve been shooting for as long as I can remember.


It started off as a Father/Son bonding activity for the weekends.


My dad would take me to the range to show me how to properly shoot a rifle.


And I decided to pass this tradition on to my kids.


After watching my boys become competent at shootiong down range, I decided to take them on a father son quail hunting trip with one of my good friends George, and his kids too.


Little did I know that this day was going to be an absolute nightmare.


On our first day we were walking through the woods looking for tracks when all of a sudden I saw my oldest son Zach, spin around and try to shoot a bird he saw.


Instantly I saw George fall to the ground, cover his right eye, and start screaming in pain.


As you can probably guess, a round ricotched off a rock or tree and went directly into George’s eye, breaking through his safety glasses and directly piercing his retina.


It was a very scary moment, I had 5 young boys all freaking out, and someone in so much pain that they couldn’t even answer my questions.


Needless to say, that was the end of that hunting trip.


I remember while sitting in the ER I had to explain to my son Zach that it wasn’t his fault, freak accidents like this happen, and we were protected with the best glasses.


(Or so I thought)


The doctor came out and explained to us what happened.


Along with the round piercing through his retina, dozens of shards of plastic from his glasses penetrated his eyes as well.


That was tragic.


George was fine, but one thing was for certain, he would never be able to see out of his right eye agin.


So as you can imagine this is where I started my journey buying over 50 different pairs of shooting glasses like I talked about earlier.


I scoured online for solutions, but I kept running into one of the three problems that I alluded to earlier.


  • 1. The glasses were very uncomfortable, and would either hurt the bridge of my nose or temples when I wore them
  • 2. The glasses were so dingy and cheap, I didn't feel comfortable that I could wear them outside the range
  • 3. The glasses looked awful and I didn't even want to wear them in the first place


Lord knows how much time and money I spent trying to find the perfect pair of glasses that would ensure what happened to George would never happen to me or my sons.


It wasn’t until after months of research that I was able to really get down to the root of the problem.


The reason why so many glasses on the market don’t fit well is because the frame is made of a hard solid plastic, usually polycarbonate.


The problem is that this material is very hard, making it difficult to adjust to the unique shape of someone’s head.


The secret to creating eye protection that allows you to focus on shooting rather than the fact that your frames are uncomfortable is all in the flexibility of the frame.


Take a normal pair of your brand name sunglasses, bend them right down the middle, and they’ll instantly snap.


Pretty funny that these guys charge $150+ for their brand name, and not for a quality product who’s quality matches what you pay for.


Anyway, I saw this problem with the market for eye protection.


I decided to create a pair that met the requirements for being the best pair of shooting glasses you own.


The perfect pair would...


  • 1. Fit perfectly regardless of your face structure
  • 2. Be tough enough to not break and to protect your eyes
  • 3. Look cool enough to wear outside the range


I knew that everything started at the frame, there were many different kinds of lenses that were ballistic grade and could offer the protection necessary to protect your eyes.


If we could figure out how to build the perfect frame, half of our job would be done.


After years of prototypes and research, we weren’t seeing much success...


Until one day, the solution hit me like a truck at my son's swim meet.



My name is John Williams, and I’ve been shooting for as long as I can remember.


It started off as a Father/Son bonding activity for the weekends.


My dad would take me to the range to show me how to properly shoot a rifle.


And I decided to pass this tradition on to my kids.


After watching my boys become competent at shootiong down range, I decided to take them on a father son quail hunting trip with one of my good friends George, and his kids too.


Little did I know that this day was going to be an absolute nightmare.


On our first day we were walking through the woods looking for tracks when all of a sudden I saw my oldest son Zach, spin around and try to shoot a bird he saw.


Instantly I saw George fall to the ground, cover his right eye, and start screaming in pain.


As you can probably guess, a round ricotched off a rock or tree and went directly into George’s eye, breaking through his safety glasses and directly piercing his retina.


It was a very scary moment, I had 5 young boys all freaking out, and someone in so much pain that they couldn’t even answer my questions.


Needless to say, that was the end of that hunting trip.


I remember while sitting in the ER I had to explain to my son Zach that it wasn’t his fault, freak accidents like this happen, and we were protected with the best glasses.


(Or so I thought)


The doctor came out and explained to us what happened.


Along with the round piercing through his retina, dozens of shards of plastic from his glasses penetrated his eyes as well.


That was tragic.


George was fine, but one thing was for certain, he would never be able to see out of his right eye agin.


So as you can imagine this is where I started my journey buying over 50 different pairs of shooting glasses like I talked about earlier.


I scoured online for solutions, but I kept running into one of the three problems that I alluded to earlier.


  • 1. The glasses were very uncomfortable, and would either hurt the bridge of my nose or temples when I wore them
  • 2. The glasses were so dingy and cheap, I didn't feel comfortable that I could wear them outside the range
  • 3. The glasses looked awful and I didn't even want to wear them in the first place


Lord knows how much time and money I spent trying to find the perfect pair of glasses that would ensure what happened to George would never happen to me or my sons.


It wasn’t until after months of research that I was able to really get down to the root of the problem.


The reason why so many glasses on the market don’t fit well is because the frame is made of a hard solid plastic, usually polycarbonate.


The problem is that this material is very hard, making it difficult to adjust to the unique shape of someone’s head.


The secret to creating eye protection that allows you to focus on shooting rather than the fact that your frames are uncomfortable is all in the flexibility of the frame.


Take a normal pair of your brand name sunglasses, bend them right down the middle, and they’ll instantly snap.


Pretty funny that these guys charge $150+ for their brand name, and not for a quality product who’s quality matches what you pay for.


Anyway, I saw this problem with the market for eye protection.


I decided to create a pair that met the requirements for being the best pair of shooting glasses you own.


The perfect pair would...


  • 1. Fit perfectly regardless of your face structure
  • 2. Be tough enough to not break and to protect your eyes
  • 3. Look cool enough to wear outside the range


I knew that everything started at the frame, there were many different kinds of lenses that were ballistic grade and could offer the protection necessary to protect your eyes.


If we could figure out how to build the perfect frame, half of our job would be done.


After years of prototypes and research, we weren’t seeing much success...


Until one day, the solution hit me like a truck at my son's swim meet.



My oldest son asked me to hold his goggles while he went to grab something from his bag.


I was squeezing and bending them in my hand, and instantly the idea bulb light up over my head.


If we were able to create a frame that could bend and twist unlike the traditional hard plastic that snaps, that means it would not only be tough enough to not break…


It would be able to adapt to the shape and size of anyone’s head.


Now obviously I wasn’t going to insert ballistic lenses into swimming goggles and say I found the solution...


I went back to the drawing board.


I think at this point, I tried about 5 different prototypes until finally I got exactly what I was looking for.


It was pretty frustrating to keep sending the glasses back to the manafacturer, telling them to fix this, change this, but it was all worth it, the final product came out perfect.


I’d like to introduce you to that product.


Introducing The M1 Abrams Tank Of Protection Sunglasses...

The Tactflex M3


My oldest son asked me to hold his goggles while he went to grab something from his bag.


I was squeezing and bending them in my hand, and instantly the idea bulb light up over my head.


If we were able to create a frame that could bend and twist unlike the traditional hard plastic that snaps, that means it would not only be tough enough to not break…


It would be able to adapt to the shape and size of anyone’s head.


Now obviously I wasn’t going to insert ballistic lenses into swimming goggles and say I found the solution...


I went back to the drawing board.


I think at this point, I tried about 5 different prototypes until finally I got exactly what I was looking for.


It was pretty frustrating to keep sending the glasses back to the manafacturer, telling them to fix this, change this, but it was all worth it, the final product came out perfect.


I’d like to introduce you to that product.


Introducing The M1 Abrams Tank Of Protection Sunglasses...

The Tactflex M3

You can manipulate the frames however you want, and they will not break because the frame is made of a very flexible type of rubber.


So regardless of if you have a large wide head, or a tall narrow head, these bad boys fit perfectly on everybody.


This also ensures that it’s practically impossible to break these things.


And I seriously mean it...

Remember how I mentioned earlier that I had this design patented?

Just To Prove That I Wasn’t Joking...

Here’s All Of Our Patent Papers And Designs.

So much research went into designing the frames for our glasses that we were finally able to create a unique design that not only looked good, but fit anyones head exceptionally well.


On top of that we also made sure that the nose pads we were using wouldn’t wear away like so many of our competitor’s brands do after a year or so.


After all, we want these to last you a lifetime.


But we didn’t stop there.


The fit and the look of these glasses were solid, but the next most important problem to solve was the protection that the lenses provided.


I already had the best frame on the market, so I went ahead and paired them up with the best lenses on the market as well.


These lenses actually exceed the highest ballistic standards.

In fact, the lens protecting your eye is government tested and proven to exceed all of the military ballistic standards which include…


- ANSI Z87.1

- CSA Z94.3-2014

- EN 166

- ASTM F803

- MIL-PRF-31013


Now to someone who doesn’t understand what that means, let me put it into perspective for you…

There are various ranks of ballistic protection, ANSI Z87.1 is the most basic one.


It’s usually what you get when you’re using traditional plastic shooting glasses, it certainly can protect you from something like a shell ejecting from your rifle or pistol…


But where this falls short is really with the freak accidents that occur every single day.


You want to make sure you’re safe in case a round explodes in your firearm because of faulty ammo, or pieces of shrapnel ricochet off of something.


The only type of ballistic grade lenses that can protect you in those situations are the exact ones the Tactflex M3 has, which is certified as MIL-PRF-31013.


This grade of protection is exactly what the US Military uses.


Yep, the lenses in the Tactflex M3 are the same ones that our boys overseas and stationed here in the states are using.


You can be confident that what happened to my friend George, won't happen to you.


Just as an example we set the frames up in front of an object and fired a birdshot shotgun shell at it...


Crazy, huh?


Not a single crack on those lenses.


It really doesn’t surprise me at all…


Mainly because we had an independent 3rd party certify that the lenses on our glasses matched that military standard.

I’m just being totally frank here, most of the options on the market are just overpriced and very low quality.


Almost none of them put even half the effort that we have into their certification and quality control.


Not exactly something that you want to trust to protect you from something as dangerous and unpredictable as live ammo.


But the lenses on the Tactflex M3 aren’t just the highest grade protection you can find to protect your eyes…


They’re also engineered with serious optic super powers.




  • - TXS Optics which gives you zero distortion across the entire lens while aiming down sight…
  • - IntraBlock UV Protection that protect you from all forms of harmful UV Rays
  • - And Diamond Shield Coating, which provides 3x more scratch resistance


There was A LOT of product development that went into the Tactflex M3.


But all of those years of hard work have paid off for me, because every single day I see reviews like these from happy shooters all around the states…


Hundreds of these types of reviews come pouring in every week, to the point where we’re running out of stock constantly.


Here’s some good news...


If you’re reading this right now, we’re still in stock…


But we’ll have to take this page down the second our warehouse let’s us know that we’re out of stock.


That could be tomorrow, it could be tonight, maybe even a few days from now.


But with the thousands of orders every month, it’s quite unpredictable when we’ll be out of stock again.


You should never have to go through what happened to my friend George.


I cannot even begin to imagine how painful that was for him, and how much he feels cheated by the cheap glasses we all were wearing that day.


Making sure that no one ever has to go through an excruciating eye injury like that is exactly my mission behind the Tactflex M3.


Like I said earlier, I wanted to create the best pair of shooting glasses on the market, and we’ve been able to do just that with a perfect comfortable fit, indestructible lenses, and a flexible crush proof frame.


But I also want to make sure that these are the best deal on the market too, not just the best product…


As you can see, the better glasses on the market will run you anywhere between $100-250 a pair…

So that’s exactly why we doubled down, and put together an offer that blows all of these guys and their cheap plastic glasses out of the water.


For just $90, you’ll be able to get 2 pairs of the Tactflex M3 in our clear and smoke lenses.

Claim Yours Now!

So that’s exactly why we doubled down, and put together an offer that blows all of these guys and their cheap plastic glasses out of the water.


For just $90, you’ll be able to get 2 pairs of the Tactflex M3 in our clear and smoke lenses.


On top of that, we’re going to be throwing in free shipping, and since we ship from our warehouse in the US, you can have them at your doorstep in 3-5 days without paying a dime for shipping.


The question you have to ask yourself is really quite simple…


“Do I want to have my eyes protected by the same type of glasses that the US Military gives to our troops overseas, or do I want to trust them behind a $200 pair of cheap chinese made glasses?”


Hopefully, you want the best of the best protecting you!


Now, this bundle offer is actually something we just rolled out…


Normally, one pair of the Tactflex M3 is $65, so to get a bundle, you would be paying $130.


This is your only chance to get that bundle set for just $90, which is a 30% discount from our everyday price.

Our smartest customers don’t just buy themselves a set…

Most of our customers are proud american families who take their family and friends to the range as well.


So they’ll usually go ahead and grab a couple bundles so they have enough for whomever they go to the range with…


Or just something to give as a gift to family and friends!


However, due to our limited stock, we have to limit each buyer to a maximum of 3 bundles.


So like I said, we’re not sure for how much longer we’ll be in stock, so it’s wise to take action today and grab yourself a pair.

Get Yours Now!

After you click that button, you’ll be taken to the bottom of this page where you can select how many bundles you’d like to purchase...


After that, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll be able to complete your purchase so you can get the last pair of shooting glasses you’ll ever need.


And for a limited time, we're going to be giving everybody who purchases a set of the Tactflex M3, a very special surprise.


To keep it exciting, that special surprise will remain a mystery, just know that we normally sell it for $30 retail.


When you purchase today, we're going to throw that in at no cost to you!

The dozens of five star reviews that we have for this amazing product make me very confident that you’ll love this product.


In fact, I’m so confident that I’m willing to take on all of the risk for you fully.


Every bundle of the Tactflex M3 comes with a 60 day money back guarantee, so if they don’t live up to your expectations, which I highly doubt…


We’ll send you a hassle free refund, no questions asked.


All you need to do is give our support a call or send us an email.


So the only risk you’re taking on is the risk of what could happen to your eyes if you’re not wearing the Tactflex M3…


Or having to go through dozens of pairs like I did to find the perfect fit…


Let me save you a lot of time and money and suggest that you grab this money-saving deal on our exclusive bundle, you won’t regret it at all.


Get Yours Now!

So really there’s 3 routes you can go down…


The first one is you ignore the problem at hand, and act like the glasses you have are going to be able to protect you in the event of your weapon malfunctioning…


(Hopefully you don’t end up like George)


The second one is you spend hundreds of dollars on various different brands that you can find online, ultimately wasting your time on trying poor quality high priced name brand solutions that almost always fit like S%&#!


Or the third one, which I highly recommend, which is to just get the best solution on the market, the Tactflex M3.


Again, I have no clue when we’re going to run out of stock of these bad boys.


I’m really hoping it’ll be for a few more weeks, but there’s just no way to be sure.


Trust us, the hundreds of 5-star reviews that we have for these glasses are proof that these may be one of the best purchases you make all year long.


As we said earlier, can you really put a price on your eyesight?


Stay confident and safe, get your eyes behind the Tactflex M3 today.

Get Your Pair Today!

1 Bundle

$130 $90

2 Bundles

$260 $160

3 Bundles

$390 $240

Thanks for reading,

John Williams

Owner/CEO - Tactline